News of food and cosmetic not allowed to enter China in September 2017
The quality¡¢the label and the content of food additives will directly affect or even determine whether the food and cosmetics is allowed to enter into China!
In September 2017, the national CIQ departments inspected the goods which arrive at the port, there were 847 batches of food not allowed to entry china due to the quality and safety of the product unqualified , and 38 batches of cosmetics included.
Not entry food come from 47 countries or regions, involving 17 kinds of products, mainly beverages, sugar and meat, the main items are the quality of unqualified, unqualified labels and food additives. Not allowed entry cosmetics are from 9 countries or regions, mainly the skin, hair and special cosmetics, the main items are the quality of unqualified, unqualified labels and unqualified certificate. These food and cosmetics have been requested to be shipped back to the port of departure or destroyed!